Tell me a secret

Tell me a secret

Monday 26 May 2014

The Parachute of Dreams

with Jayne Snell

Wednesday 2nd July 2014 from 19:30

"Out of my greatest sadness, came the clearest vision of what I wanted. But YOU do not have to wait for the 'boot up the backside', the tragedy, you can all create the life you want now"
 Jayne has faced what we all fear, the fear of losing everything. She doesn't want you to wait for the 'boot up the backside' before you live the life you want. A life where you are happy today, but excited for your tomorrows. She is here to share her story, her own 'boot up the backside' and what led her to create her Parachute of Dreams.
As a Professional Inspiriational and Motivational speaker, Jayne speaks about living a life of balance. You will learn the importance of living a life you choose, one of balance, where health, relationships, careers and personal interests are all important. You will learn about the importance of having the right attitude and making the right decisions to live a happy and fulfilling life.
Regarding attitude and mind set, and the state of one's self, you will learn tips for creating a more calm and peaceful self, particularly important in today's fast world and when and when dealing with life's challenges and stresses, but also the importance of having an energised, motivated, commited self as well.
Jayne will be sharing a programme called Parachute of Dreams, which is a place where all your dreams/desires/goals for your future are stored, monitored and worked towards. You will be able to create you own Parachute of Dreams, a plan that she will help you break down in to achievable steps. 

The School of Philosophy
64 Woodland Lane LS7 4PD, Leeds

Tickets: Click here

The Karen Asemper Talk - An artists view (by Vicky Ola)

Thanks to Vicky for sharing this.